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Submitted by: S.C.A.Rao
Why did a nurse walk among the dying and the horribly maimed? Why would someone live with outcasts and help them set up colony when they could be playing golf or watching TV or knitting? “I’ll go in case everyone else has given up on them. I’ll never give up!” was the answer from one hope bringer.
Never giving up is a trait we honour in soldiers, survivors of perils and those making comebacks from severe injuries and afflictions. Any community worth living in must have a web of people faithful to ‘lighting candles in the darkness’ however tiny their flames are. And unless for these little candles that community would fall apart. The challenge for all of us is to find those few causes that are peculiarly our own, those causes to which we are roused to, and then to plug in and go for launching with all our energies and heart. By remaining faithful to a calling we can ink the conditions for finding purpose, pattern and paths to living. If you seek to solve everybody’s problems, your own energies might just not be enough. They could evaporate before you grab the spade. But if you stake out your own cause reaching out to whom you will and being there for someone you could then accomplish a great deal.
Faithfulness to a mission, in the words of Roosevelt: ‘Do what you can, with what you have, where you are’ seems to be the battle hymn of those who bring light in every place that they do.
However imperfect we are, clinging to our true self, being who you are is what matters. You can make whatever you want out of your life because like a potter, our days on earth are all the clay we’ll ever have in our hands to shape and mould our tomorrows.
It costs energy and time,maybe a lifetime. You can make whatever you want out of YOUR life, but first you have to not be afraid to try.
One such labour [ of love ] that simply will never go away is how you’d provide for your family through every peril down the years.Too many entrepreneurs and business owners have succumbed to the notion that they cannot shake off from their present job pegs and move on.If that’s the way you feel too either you have some serious personal leadership issues that need to be worked on or you need to remind yourself that you don’t have forever to plant a cash tree.You might think you are indispensable where you are or are warming yourself in your own glow but unless you use the freedom to step off the beaten tracks from time to time your rainmaking ability will slowly collapse and you will become nothing more than an employed asimo.
Starting your own internet business is one breakaway.You’ll have the freedom to concentrate on a passion.The freedom to set your own work hours.The freedom to work from wherever you are in the world.Best of all you take the first steps towards financial abundance.
About the Author: Cally Rao had been a Manufacturing Manager in a F500 Company, is now an instructor at a college and marketer.She passionately believes in individual entrepreneurism.Check out how you can reach for personal extraordinariness financially :
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