Beauty Tips For Face

Beauty Tips for Face



As we all hear that proverb \” Face is the Index of mind \”. In other word if your mind is very clear with beautiful thoughts and peaceful feel, then you can see the change in your face. It gives the pleasant look and very clear mask to your face. Face value itself speaks a lot, if you even not really talk. Here we don\’t talk about the exact beauty in the sense of color, look and all, here we are saying about the face value non other than good feel when looking some people for example if we see some yoghies and guru\’s we can able feel the change of face value. But normal people guess the people with the values of people\’s color and looks. So here we are going to have a look of BEAUTY TIPS FOR FACE.

BEAUTY TIPS FOR FACE : Nature itself has given lots of ways to protect our face infected by polluted things and apart from the Nature, human created lot and lots of cosmetics with the help of chemical components and we are not totally against to cosmetics creams and cosmetic items that really protect the skin affected by some polluted things like air, water and so on. Present environmental scenario human are not getting pure water and air which nature has gifted to human. Instead human are very interested to opt the cosmetic items which cause damage to our skin, many nature BEAUTY TIPS FOR FACE are available and ancient people and our older generation people used these kind of ways to protect their skin from polluted things. And more over in this current period of living is very hectic compare to the period before 30 years.

Protect our face from sun rays is very important, it damage our skin tone. And protect our face from dryness and also from over oilyness. We can maintain our skin tone as like our childhood for that we need to follow or practice very simple methods like intake of water, wash the face often in between 2 hour time gap. BEAUTY TIPS FOR FACE is not a big task like making 1 million dollars in 1 single day but it is very simple producers like drinking water, wash your face in regular time gap and more importantly we need to concerntrate on in taking food and liquids too. Need to avoid oily items in your food, and avoid obesitic food as well. Below you guys can get very simple steps of BEAUTY TIPS FOR FACE.




* Drinking water – Minimum 3 – 5 litters per day based on your body condition.

* Face Wash – Minimum 4 -6 times per day wash your face with cool water.

* Vegetables & Greens – Have it in your food daily wise.

* Fruits – Have seasonal fruits on the basis of season.

* Apply Coco Oil – Before have bath apply coco oil for 30 mins.



* Dont apply harmful face creams – It damages your skin

* Avoid oily foods.

Further details, will discuss later.

Passionate towards writing and interested in sharing the information.

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