Cesar Millan, The Man Behind The Whisper!

Submitted by: Kathy Adkins

Just to let you know, I do have a dog, and also been caught watching a number of his shows. The tips the he gives are great,very helpful and have found them very useful when I needed to be retrained for behaviors my dog has encountered. Many individuals who have dogs, have heard of this man. Cesar Millan is very well known in the canine community. When you think of bad dog behaviors, many wish they could have this man at their beck and call. Known as “The Dog Wisperer”, Cesar Millan is one of the few individuals that possess a unique ability and over 20 years experience in the understanding of dog behaviors. This gives him a prime corner of the current marketplace in dog behvioralist. Born and raised in Mexico, a communication with nature, always came natural to him. This unique relationship with dogs became noticeable around age 13, he was called “The Dogman”, by people that knew him. His grandfather taught him at an early age, not to work against Mother Nature. Since a wild dog’s survival depends on a strong, balanced and structured pack, where every member knows its place. Cesar has patterned his training from the wild dog pack rules.

He strongly believes a dog’s owner should become a calm assertive pack leader, this is one of the most common mistakes people make with their dogs. Dog problems as an entirety come from two things individuals are not doing, exercise and leadership. The process should be: rules, boundries and then affection. Consistency is key to sucess of his training techniques. Primarily, he trains the owner and rehabilitates the unbalanced dog. Cesar Millan does not believe in quick fixes to correcting a dog’s behavior, individuals need to be consistant with their behaviors for altering unwanted behaviors in the dog.


Cesar’s holistic approach has been subject of national media, along with many hollywood elite trusting Cesar’s rehabilitation abilities. Cesar Millan Incorporated(CMI), is a dynamic, diversified multi-national company. The company’s main goal is to promote a healthier relationships between dogs and their owners. This company also endorses the work and philosophy of Cesar Millan in dog behaviors. Cesar continues expand his business to reach an international audience through digital and social media. With over 600 million dogs in the world, Cesar coninues to influence all of us to be proper pack leaders and better people for it. A strong vision of Cesar Millan Incorporated is to create a better world, one dog at a time!

Cesar Millan exhibits strong leadership skills, to be that pack leader in his life. Leadership skills are important in any walk of life. That should hold true in our lives, with or without a dog in it. Human beings as a whole have a tendency to sit back and follow other “packs”, so to speak. Is it not true, we are the happiest when we take charge and are in control of our future? The strength and courage Cesar Millan had to have to come to another country and blaze a new road for himself, is phenomenal! All of us possess that inner strength and leadership ability, what is needed, is the courage too bring that out in yourself. If you would like to know more in depth where your strengths and leadership qualities lie, click the link below.

About the Author: Cesar MillanCesar


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