


zx4x01l12bLiying Jiang. The Kou Aizhe photo

Sichuanbazhong the James Yen Library. Liu achievements to photo

Hubei bluestone town of Huang Kan Library. Guo Jianguang photo

Huang Kan library reading scene. Luo Qizhi photo

newspaper reporter Guo Jianguang (microblogging)

Editor’s note:

the last century, thirty or forty years, Pan, had spoken eloquently to the misunderstanding of the education that modern Since the so-called new education, I’m sorry young people and the State, to sum up, education did not make the education of the people to do a artificial persons, the mass, and thus should repent.

more than half a century, China’s education has made great progress for young people, a lot for the national contribution. However, this issue of the fundamental mission of contemporary education is still worthy of review at. Many people of insight and discuss, and improvement initiatives into practice.

four years ago, Peking University master’s graduate Liying Jiang (microblogging), to give up big city life, pack on back to Hubei rural home. And he accompanied, as well as a stubborn ideal rooted in the rural areas, construction of rural libraries. P the>

years past, he played in his hometown and the other eight provinces to build 13 libraries. Ambitious and want to build more libraries in the more rural areas.

these rural libraries, have a unified name, called Liying Jiang want this platform through the library,

speed fast.

everyone’s home in the fall, we can not do something

winter afternoon, in the Hubei Province Qichun this place called bluestone town, the sun is also a little a bit harsh. Liying Jiang Slop, 32-year-old pair of blue slippers, wearing a light gray coat, holding his less than one year old daughter, on the steps of the sun. If you do not know his background, it is difficult to make people believe that this is a prestigious Master.

step on the concrete floor before basking in the rice, forward, is a not very wide road. The speeding car whistle passing, setting off bursts of dust. The road on the other side, bluestone town middle school. Pushed his car to sell snacks hawkers, waiting for the emergence of the students.

library behind in Liying Jiang, a red 4-layer small building. Liying Jiang rented this year, the annual rent of 18,000 yuan. Placed in front of a whiteboard, the words Previously, his library is located in the secondary schools, not town open.

road coming and going, but no one entered the library.

a long time, someone will come.

5 years ago, one winter, Liying Jiang to the rural areas of Henan travel. Passing a village from the train window, and many seem depressed. Rural origin, they talk about the topic of rural areas with their peers, friends. They talk to the decline of rural areas, and talk to the farmers barren spiritual world, and talk to

time, Liying Jiang just to get a master’s degree certificate, a Beijing-based NGO, concerned about China’s modernization process, as well as a range of issues in this process.

each person’s home in the fall The author emphasized in the text: Since then, some people began to write the article of the same subject, description, and to reflect on their own home

home for him, is a close and distant places. Since 1997, left his rural home after college to the field, he has been living in the city. Each time you return home, the time of his stay will not last long.

even a short stay home depressed he was impressed. Sichuan scholars who wrote in an article: the spring county, also the bluestone town.

Liying Jiang secondary school, this place called bluestone town, there are several

Today, the small bookstore disappeared. Although that is not too large, the Xinhua Bookstore remain out of town on business, but inside the book has been In the dim space, old bookshelves disorder arrayed a number of supplementary educational materials, scientific and technical books. The town’s high school graduates Caixiao Hai shouted: Each returned to his hometown, Liying Jiang can always be found wearing a red scarf or children in school uniforms, appeared in the smoke-filled cafes, playing a variety of games. Some games, and even a pornographic picture.

high school, Liying Jiang came to the county. At that time the county’s cultural atmosphere, full of passion and imagination. At that time, the county seat cinema will be screening some good films, where he had seen the sci-fi blockbuster Today, cinema is still in only has become a dance hall.

that he had bought the Muslim funeral These rent a bookstore, he can always see some students to read through the Tomb, or

p> That journey is coming destination, Liying Jiang serious friends said, she wanted to return home for the villagers to build a library. Because

a friend, immediately nods of approval, and to encourage him to go ahead.

Shortly thereafter, Liying Jiang on to start planning for rural libraries.

those books, the examination may not help, but valuable life

this red small building on the first floor, about 200 square meters, along the walls, stand circle shelves. The volunteers of the library book categories in order, neatly placed on a shelf. The middle of the room stocked with a few white desk, table littered with some of the books.

these books for pupils to read, as well as high school students reading. Even some of the more If it is not in front of basking in the rice, the scurry of sows on the road, at first glance, like exposure to a taste of the bookstore in the city.

Liren Library bibliographies are carefully selected. Liying Jiang has boasted: began to write the plan, the establishment of rural libraries and to develop a library of core bibliography. In the meantime, he keeps contact with the academic friends, they recommend an appropriate bibliography, and even solicitation through the network.

the Liren determine the direction, based on humanistic education as the main content, concerned about people’s spiritual growth. Humanities (humanity), the point of discovery, growth and Comprehensive sense of the human spirit, which means a

Liying Jiang realized that the the Liren popularity of young people some civic knowledge, training, and training of their personality, do a test of civic education.

In the end, he prepared a bibliography for elementary, middle and high school students read a total of more than 2000 kinds.

which pupils bibliography of nearly 200 kinds, simple and classic storybook; bibliography of secondary school class, the grades gradually deepened. Worries Linda in the core bibliographic list. Also included are the Mankiw’s

bibliography is the soul of the library. Rural schools do not have good conditions of urban schools, but Liren at least allow rural students to read high quality books.

was just college students the face of those talking about the city he had generated a strong sense of inferiority. Secondary school, some discussion, he was almost in edgeways. After a very long time, this sense of inferiority before fading.

planning the Liren rural libraries, Urban and rural areas of equality of the

bibliography prepared, he embarked on fund-raising. This is the most difficult step. Friends recalled that time, to meet with Liying Jiang, like a Support does not?

first income helped him design Liren identified by friends to donate. Hear the Rural Library Project, a friend did not hesitate took out 300 dollars. Since then, Liying Jiang lobbying constantly money to be donated.

At the same time, this relationship of the Beijing University Master of care home, communication with the leadership of the home school. His plan is equipped with its own core books in the school’s original library on the basis of; library management, from their recruitment of volunteers is responsible for. Does not increase the cost of the school, the school immediately agreed.

However, according to a junior high school principal said, some rural areas of the library and not in the true sense is used. In addition, too few types of books, mainly supplementary books, some books are completely make up the numbers.

bluestone town high school library is also true. School teacher recalled that the library was not even open.

the end of December in 2007, the first the Liren rural libraries, secondary schools of the bluestone town trial operation, named Since then, open a new museum, most of them will be named in the name of the local culture and celebrity. The modern Great Masters Huang Kan was born in the bluestone town, so named after him. Sichuanbazhong, James Yen the Liren library named civilian educators and rural construction home.

Liying Jiang for this library with 2000 books, mainly in the humanities, social sciences, each one of each book.

opening day, the weather is cold. After class, students will be poured into the library. Library of only 52 seats, was packed. Outside there are many students to wait inside the students came out, people would squeeze in..

this state lasted nearly a month. To this end, he had to limit the number of students, and 60 scrivener board, only to get the the scrivener board be allowed to enter. Even so, there are students waiting in line outside the library often.

was Caixiao Hai is reading the third, once the teacher in the class specifically mentioned the Liren library, to encourage students more to the library to study.

those books, the exam may not help, but life is valuable.

rural education revolution, the Road

from the beginning, Liying Jiang on the exploration of an education from the village library. This is also the the Liren library core positioning.

in a speech, he pointed out: to tens of millions of Chinese youth, the so-called university education fell into unemployment, confusion, weakness in their own development, incompetence in the home community; you see every child, from a very young age, began by the examination ranking, being discriminated against, the defendant secret, is an insult to be spend, do not you sad? Road education to return to its essential function, namely, Liren. Rural education revolution

and Liying Jiang juvenile period experience. His elementary school, the local almost no books to read, can see nothing more than storytelling. Occasional people back to a book, he would read it with relish.

after more

age, his attitude towards life was negative, ready to drop out, had also left home to walk more than 10 days. Out of the house, he found himself inside nothing.

as the pursuit of educational quality, Liren Library to carry out a series of activities: classes, Craft, film shows, lectures, winter camps, summer camps. Liying Jiang ideal rural libraries, not only is a learning center, educational base, or a cultural center, the spiritual home, and will also serve as a clearinghouse and public platform – it is not only obtain a copy from here also gives the more important the exchange, the library has become a rural public life a new beginning.

in 2008, Liying Jiang creation of the Secondary School of Economics in the library. Each course will total hundreds of people came to listen.

Caixiao Hai is his loyal audience, almost every time to. In the class, the small sea to learn some economics knowledge, and learn how to use this knowledge to analyze economic events.

after high school, he and several classmates that schools require students to set milk is wrong, then to investigate, with the analysis, the final conclusion that the school of The analysis published in the student newspaper to start their own. Newspaper one cause of school shock For a time, a few of them students regarded as


like this survey analysis, there are many. Such as the school’s waste disposal problem, the cost of the iron fence, why the school broom than the home of bad quickly, and so on.

With a library of this platform, The Cai Xiaohai know a lot of friends inside and outside. The rest of the weekend, some people will follow the small sea to the library to study,Louis Vuitton Outlet.

sea, and a school student Xiaowei understanding, the two often in the library to discuss.

both in high spirits, brought together some friends to start in-depth discussion of what is happening on the social, but also the establishment of an editorial department, planning to run a newspaper. Soon after, a small sea-funded 200 dollars, bought an old computer.

first phase of the newspaper came out, called the A scholar read the foreword, refer to They have four newspapers, until the team went their separate ways after the college entrance examination.

once, to want to publish an article of the economist Mao Yushi, the Cai Xiaohai removed to find their phone. By telephone, he said his idea and immediately agreed to Mao Yushi. A few days later, a small sea received Mao Yushi 500 dollars sent to the editorial department, and several he wrote the life of the economics

in recent years, the network began their attack to nearly 30 km from the county town. Liying Jiang had seen an article analysis of the young men indulging in online games. Look after, he understood that the children indulging in online games, addicted to chatting in the virtual world, in fact, is the education of the disease caused by natural resistance.

To this end, Liying Jiang pay more attention to the interaction between the library and specialized reading courses to cultivate students’ interest in reading.

bluestone town there are still a few Internet cafes, you’ll often see the figure of some children. Liying Jiang faint smile: Library at least give them a new choice. some high school students in undergraduate and Qichun. He observed that in the debate competition, these high school students all behaved


the end of the debate competition, high school, he said: Huang Kan Library opened, Liying Jiang invited several scholars to the bluestone town and student exchange. A local teacher still remember when the words of one scholar: even in the rural education system, secondary school teachers can make a difference.

think of home, be able to think of the library this where warmth

a Sunday afternoon, some students land after another walked into this library. This library is the busiest time. Students start back to school to go home early, and went to the library to read a book.

them or choose a book on the shelf, or reading at the table, and several whispered discussion. The library has several full-time volunteers, but they are almost not to disturb the children.

on a fourth-grade girl asked: open, you want to when to when.

little girl, not a local. Her parents bluestone town to work, she would follow the parents to read to elementary school. Liren Library in the campus after the opening, she often come here to study, especially like to watch cartoons and picture books. She said he often imagine, if there is magic, it will help poor people to do a lot of things.

before, the little girl said, in addition to textbooks, almost no books to read. Every day was dark, she was the only one to stay at home, not doing their homework, watching TV.

even playmates are. Winter dark early, after dark, down on the town seems to have stopped the activity, in addition to the speeding car on the road, almost less than human traces.

there are two little boys, Tianyi dusk every day, they go hand in hand in the library. They do not like reading books, when asked why I like to play, two of the answer is

this, Liying Jiang also see in the eyes. to open up some interest in class, so that the the Liren Library

volunteers Xiaoting opened the one hand lesson. More than 10 girls, study with her knitting bracelet. The girls whisper, not when issued laughter. A few days, Xiaoting leaving two little girls were sent to her gift.

night of rest days, the library will be a movie. This Liberating

However, some parents do not buy it. A child often go to the library book, the father did not agree, always pull the child home. The kids do not want to go back, the father said:

volunteers to see this happen many times, it is puzzling: them to some students at home to do home visits. Speak the truth of a lot of reading to parents, the other sentence dismissed to: opinion, no longer tough to drag the children home. Night under the self-study, some children stay in the library at 9:00 pm over. While the 4 o’clock the next day too, they get up, get ready for school.

in this remote village secondary school, the students every day with curricular learning time over 10 hours.

even at the weekend, high school students are still in school,louis vuitton jeans.

third year after graduation, Caixiao Hai did not go to college. To the field work to Work period, he has maintained a library and bluestone town contact. Finally one day, he ran back and live in the library in preparation for the coming year test. Occasionally, he also gives the volunteers cooking.

working away from home during that time, I often ask ourselves a question: work is my life? Asked myself, I deny I am suffering, so we came back. lips just grow the stubble of the young man said.

This also should be Liying Jiang said: is located.

Today, 13 Liren library has taken root in the township or county of Hubei, Henan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Hebei, Jiangxi, Shanxi, Chongqing, Shaanxi and other places, for more than 2,000 valid library card cover crowd of tens of thousands of people.

a reader is an apple tree

early November, a Sunday night, Liying Jiang sat nearly an hour’s bus from the the Qichun City Huang Kan Library Branch Library Back to the bluestone town.

library empty, and silence. He entered happily on the presence of volunteers, said: Liying Jiang laughed. Volunteers, and he trained several readers, should also be pleased.

culture reader. Long as we adhere to, I believe there will be a lot of people reading. Martin Luther once said: Tomorrow is the end of the world, I would choose to go out in today’s species under an apple tree.

county library opened a while. Few weeks ago, almost nobody cares about. Even so, they also insist on rest days to open the door.

after dinner, Liying Jiang usual, hid in the room, through the network and the outside world. He had to raise more money, have to recruit more volunteers. At the same time, he will have over and over again to disseminate his ideas. The Liren Library more to build more money and Liying Jiang headache.

he wrote: We love that we enjoy. Part to the first floor, waiting for the arrival of the reader, the other two were busy on the second floor. The second floor is prepared to do a reading room, the shelves of materials have been bought, tcheap louis vuitton scarvesArticle Source: eArticlesOnline.com
