The Global Scarcity Of Otr Tyres For The Mining Industry

The Global Scarcity Of OTR Tyres For The Mining Industry


Frederic Moreno

OTR Tyres – Dealing with The Global Shortage

If you work in neuro-scientific mining or construction, possibly you have already encountered a problem with replacing worn OTR tyres. New OTR tyres may very well be cost prohibitive for many firms therefore you stand little chance of obtaining them until you have been on a waiting list for a long time. This is because there\’s currently a global shortage of OTR tyres. The problem has become so bad that heavy machinery manufacturers are even shipping their vehicles without tyres.


To your large extent, the global shortage has manifest due to rising commodity prices and most people are pretty much in the same boat. This may be associated with very little consolation if you\’re a small firm and the issue of OTR tyres is costing you big money due to downtime and operating costs each day. There are larger firms that can more easily absorb the high costs of OTR tyre replacement and have a more organized approach to obtaining them. Smaller firms, on the other give, may simply not enjoy the financial resources to forward order many replacement tyres.

There are several steps you can take to avoiding such problems should they arise. It\’s very unlikely that you will be able to obtain functional OTR tyres at short notice as a result of high demand; it will likely take weeks or even months. This means of course that you will need to be more pro-active in thinking about your OTR tyres. But if the existing tyres look being on their way available, then you may benefit from signing up for a waiting list straight away, especially if the likely downtime will end up costing you far more than the replacement tyres in lost revenue.

You can also wish to look inside recycling your worn OTR tyres. This can be a process whereby the tread on your existing tyres is taken off by an OTR tyre specialist for a tyre buffing machine. As soon as removed mechanically, the rest of the tread is removed by hand leaving only the core with the tyre using a very labour intensive process termed skiving. The specialist will next check the integrity of the remainder of the tyre and set about repairing any defects using a type of cement gum adhesive. Once the tyre is restored to its primary condition, a new thread is then attached using a machine. This process is expensive due to it being very labour intensive but far cheaper than buying a brand new tyre and the downtime may very well be far less than waiting around for new OTR tyres to become available.

You could also profit by doing regular inspections to your existing tyres; learn to recognise the signs that will end up in a tyre needing replacement. It\’s also a good option to teach staff members to undertake the same. Developing a strict management system for your needs OTR tyres will keep your operation working smoothly with as little downtime as possible, saving your company a lot of expense.

Green Planet Technologies can help you to source the OTR tyres for your business as we get distribution agreements with many of the biggest worldwide OTR tyre labels.

The article author is an internet marketer who lives in Los Angeles, California and markets a broad spectrum of products and services across the web and this includes OTR tyres. For additional details pay a visit to =>

The International Shortage Of OTR Tyres For The Mining Industry

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