Understanding The Causes Of Varicose Veins In Legs

The Causes and Costs of Varicose Veins in Legs

Varicose veins in legs are a relatively common condition, with numerous underlying causes. They appear enlarged and twisted, often blue or dark purple in colour. While they can occur anywhere in the body, they are most common in the legs. What causes such an unpleasant and often painful condition?

In simple terms, varicose veins develop when the small valves inside your veins stop working correctly. They allow blood to flow only one way – toward your heart. When these valves become weak or damaged, blood can collect in the veins, which then become larger and palpable – the primary characteristic of varicose veins.

Several factors can contribute to the development of varicose veins in the legs. First, age is a significant factor. As you grow older, your veins can lose elasticity causing them to stretch. Additionally, the valves in your veins may weaken, allowing blood that should be moving towards your heart to flow backward.

Second, pregnancy significantly increases the likelihood of developing varicose veins. This is because pregnancy increases the volume of blood in your body, but decreases the blood flow from your legs to your pelvis. This circulatory change is designed to support the growing fetus, but it can have the unfortunate side effect of engorging the veins in your legs.

Obesity, standing for long periods, and a family history of varicose veins are also risk factors. Obesity adds more pressure on your veins and standing for extended periods can cause blood to pool in your legs. If others in your family have varicose veins, there’s a high chance you may also develop them due to genetic predisposition.

As far as treatment goes, fortunately, various successful methods can address varicose veins ranging from lifestyle changes to medical procedures. Non-invasive methods include losing weight, exercising, wearing compression stockings, and elevating your legs. If these are inadequate, more invasive treatments like sclerotherapy, laser surgery, and vein stripping may be recommended.

However, the cost of treating varicose veins can be a deterrent for many. Depending on the severity of the condition, the treatment approach, and location, these costs can vary significantly. A case in point for this geographical variation is the varicose veins treatment cost Sydney

Digging into specific costs, in Sydney, non-invasive treatments such as compression stockings could cost as little as $100, whereas laser surgery could run up to $3,000 per leg. These amounts are merely indicative and actual costs may be contingent on your specific condition and the treating physician’s fee schedule.

Conclusively, while varicose veins can be distressing both aesthetically and physically, understanding their underlying causes and the available treatments can ease one’s mind. One can then make informed decisions around managing varicose veins, and in the context of Sydney, the associated costs.