Top 10 Gifts For The Car Enthusiast

By Al Wannestadt

With the holidays fast approaching it’s hard not to get caught up in all the merriment that is this time of year. Unfortunately, with the merriment comes stress; the stress of shopping and finding the perfect gift for that special someone. The perfect gift may be one that relates to a person’s hobbies, likes or even obsessions. Some people like cooking; get them a cookbook. Some people like video games; get them a new game. And some people like their cars; there are a lot of perfect gifts for car lovers.

1. Scrolling Message License Plate Cover. This gift is definitely the most fun; the cover features a lighted, scrolling message display built into the license plate frame. The frame allows you to create up to 5 messages at 3 different scrolling speeds. The plate cover is connected with 2 wires to your vehicle’s electrical system; you can wire it so it scrolls when the ignition is on or only when the brakes are applied. This gift is a great idea for any car owner and so much fun.

2. Remote Start. This great gadget allows the driver to start their car from a key fob while still inside the house. This is a great gift for anyone who endures blistering summers or freezing winters. The remote start also gives the added security of keeping your car locked while it is started; with this gift it will no longer be necessary to leave the car running in the driveway with the key in the ignition.

3. Car MD. This gadget is perfect for whenever the check engine light goes on. The computer will capture the trouble code and then direct you to a website that explains, in plain English, your problem. The site will also suggest solutions specific to your vehicle.


4. Portable Battery Jump-Starter. This is a must-have gadget for any car. With this device you’ll never have to worry about a dead battery again. The portable battery jump-starter does not require another vehicle to help you jump-start your car. The portable jump-starter can deliver up to 500 continuous amps of power with peaks of 1000 amps, enough power to revive your battery and get you back on the road.

5. GPS. A GPS is the perfect gift for anyone; whether they tend to get lost or not. A GPS will not only can show you the way to your destination, some GPS’s will even give the driver traffic updates and detour information.

6. Car Wash Gift Basket. Washing your car is one of the best things you can do to keep it looking new and shiny. A gift basket filled with all the essentials for washing a car is a great gift for anyone who prides themselves on the beauty of their car. You could also throw in a few gift cards for a professional wash and detail from the local detail shop.

7. Radar Detector. For those who like to stay off the radar or under it a radar detector is a great gift. These nifty gadgets warn you ahead of time of any speed measuring devices up ahead. This is a great gift for long trips or for those who tend to have a lead foot. Radar detectors are not allowed in some states though, so make sure to check that out before giving one.

8. Back-Up Camera. The back-up camera makes backing up and navigating parking lots so much easier. With the back-up camera there is no need to worry about backing up over your kids bicycle they left lying in the driveway or hitting that car behind you in the parking lot. Some back-up cameras even have lines on the screen that preview your vehicle’s back up path. The ideal back-up camera will also emit a beep when the car is in reverse so pedestrians in the way can hear you coming. One-person trailer hookups are also easier with a back-up camera.

9. Remote Control Key Locator. This is the perfect gift for all of those scatterbrains you know. Losing your keys will no longer be a problem with this wireless key finder. When searching for your keys just push a button on the key finder and the matching key fob will emit a loud, clear alarm from anywhere in your home.

10. Roadside Emergency Kit. Sometimes practical gifts make the most sense. Every car should have an emergency roadside kit stowed in the trunk. The kit should include a flashlight, road flares, blanket, first aid kit and some bottled water and food. You can purchase already assembled roadside emergency kits or create your own.

About the Author: Al Wannestadt works as a freelance writer and marketer for companies like CarLocate, a web car listing service with

new and used cars

for sale. They are located at

. When he is off the clock, Al writes about and stays up-to-date on the latest marketing innovations, and follows the latest news about the automotive industry and cars.


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